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2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷




1、表示位置、地点。常用介词at, in, on, under….
on: 表示“在…表面上附着”:
1. on the desk; on the wall; on the road; on the table; (在物体表面上)
2. on the/a bike; on the/a bus; on the/a train; on the/a plane; on the/a ship; (即表示在交通工具上面,又表示“通过这种方式、搭乘交通工具”)
注意: 搭乘汽车用介词in:in the/a car
3. on the phone/line; on the computer; on TV; on the internet;
4. on 表示“接触”:
Put on your coat, please. Its very cold outside;
The dress on you is very beautiful. (衣服在身上)
Lisa is in a blue jeans today. (人在衣服里)
He hits Tom on his head/ in his face. 他一拳打在Tom的头上/脸上。(脸比较软,一拳打到肉里了。)
There is some knock on/from the door.门上传来一阵敲门声。
5. on转类为副词,表示“持续、进行”:(笔者注:可以想一想一下多米诺骨牌,一个倒在另一个上面,连续不断。)
go on: 继续;
come on: 加油;
on and on:连续不断地;
turn on:打开(水电气)
be on:开着的
Turn on the light, please!请把灯打开。
The movie/meeting is on!电影/会议开始了。
All the goods are on sale.所有的货物正在促销中。
The house is on fire.房屋着火了。
6. on 表示“无缝对接”
On arriving home, he turns on the TV and watches the news.一回到家,他就打开电视看新闻。
On hearing the rings, he gets up quickly. 一听到铃声,他就立刻起床。
7. on 表示“在某人身体/心头上
This dinner is on me/the house. 这餐饭算在我身上/餐厅账上。
Shame one you! 可耻啊!
spend sth. on sb.在某人身上花费时间/金钱。
There is a lot of pressure on me. 我最近压力很大。
8. on 表示“支撑、基于、依靠”