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英媒起底 美国人多久换一次内裤 真相是(3)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
纽约大学微生物和病理学教授Philip M. Tierno认为,两天不换内裤也没那么可怕。
Generally speaking, it’s not going to hurt you as much as your hygiene may hurt your reputation, Tierno told TODAY.
“一般来说,这不会对你身体有什么损害。损害更多的可能是你的名声。” Tierno说。
Everyone has naturally-occurring microorganisms in and on their bodies called a microbial flora, he said. While the fact that these microbes exist on the body may sound scary, the relationship between the host and organism is generally beneficial.
Since they are your bacteria, unless you have a break in the skin or another conduit of entry into the body they won’t do you harm, Tierno said.

英媒起底 美国人多久换一次内裤 真相是

Two days would probably be very little detection unless you grossly contaminate your underwear, said Tierno. If you talk about a week or two, now we’re getting into robust growth of organisms and clearly there will be odor.
Tierno explained that as long as the person clean well after using the restroom, theres no need to fear harm from extended undergarment wear.

英媒起底 美国人多久换一次内裤 真相是
