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DOTA 英雄编年史 十六 斧王(16)

2023-03-15 来源:你乐谷
末日使者,给敌人带来末日,而斧王只需一斧!(The doomsday messenger brings the end to the enemy, and the axe king only needs an axe!)
(炼金术士)小东西,再也骑不了了吧!(Small things, can’t ride anymore!)对于小矮人来说,你还不到他们一半坏。(For the dwarfs, you are less than half of them bad.)小小矮人应该被从这片土地上驱逐出去!(The little dwarf should be expelled from this land!)斧王讨厌小矮人(基恩人)。(The axe king hates the dwarf.)你的自驾游结束了!从你的坐骑上下来吧(Your self-driving tour is over! Go down from your mount.)

DOTA 英雄编年史 十六 斧王

(地卜师)斧王将你砍成四块!斧王把你五斧分尸!斧王把你砍成九块如何?斧王把你砍成二十块如何?斧王把你砍成一百块如何?(The axe king cuts you into four pieces! The axe king p>

DOTA 英雄编年史 十六 斧王
