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2023-03-15 来源:你乐谷
3. Road Transport
Air pollution from motor vehicles has, in many countries, replaced coal smoke as the major cause for concern; and the continuing growth in vehicle use means that efforts to reduce emissions from inp>
The air pollutants produced as a result of the use of motor vehicles present a two-stage problem: primary and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants produced by petrol-powered vehicles include carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, benzene, particulate matter and lead. Much of the lead emitted by vehicles burning leaded petrol emerges as particles. Secondary pollutants produced as a result of the use of petrol-engined vehicles include nitrogen dioxide and ozone.
4. Domestic Sources
As temperatures across the region plummeted, domestic burning of coal across northern China becomes the primary source of air pollution. Other important domestic sources of air pollution are:
Stoves and cookers produce carbon monoxide. If ventilation is inadequate or appliances poorly maintained, CO may accumulate in dangerous concentrations. Nitrogen dioxide is also generated and concentrations in kitchens will usually exceed those outdoors when cookers are in use.