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新西兰枪击案已致49死48伤 幸存者讲述 至暗时刻(4)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
警察安抚清真寺外的幸存者。图 via nzherald
I just ran as fast as I could, over the fence to Hagley Park, I didnt stop, he said. The gun shots sounded like pop, pop, pop... I heard over 50.
他说:“我只能拼尽全力地跑,一直穿过篱笆跑到哈格利公园,一下也没停。枪声听起来砰,砰,砰... 我听到至少有50下。”
My uncle got shot in his backside, I am just praying it is not too serious.
This week is the first time I went to the mosque...I am still shaking, and I am traumatised, Idris said.
伊德里斯说:“这周是我第一次去清真寺... 我现在还在发抖,心里已经有阴影了。”
▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)
39岁的拉希米·艾哈迈德(Rahimi Ahmad)和他11岁的儿子每周五都去Al Noor清真寺。现在他的太太阿兹拉(Azila)还没能联系上他。
I just want to know hes safe, and Im praying and hoping that he will call, she said. Rahimi has his mobile phone with him, so Im sure he will be able to get in contact soon. But right now I dont know whats happened to him.
Rahimi went to the mosque at around 1pm with his son, she said. But when she heard news about the shooting, she got worried about their safety. She got a call from her friend saying her son was safe, but Rahimi was believed to be inside the mosque at the time of the shooting.