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新西兰枪击案已致49死48伤 幸存者讲述 至暗时刻(2)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
图 via nzherald
他说他感觉枪声至少持续了15分钟。随后警察冲进了大楼里,他站在入口处,透过窗户,看到了里面“成堆的尸体”(piles of bodies)。
This is a disaster for New Zealand. A black day, said Hamzah, who had blood on his clothes from trying to help the wounded. I cant imagine something like this happening at all. It hasnt sunk into my head yet.
I think Ill go into shock over the next couple of days. I hope I am strong enough.We have to bury a lot of people.
▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)
枪击发生时,约有400人在克赖斯特彻奇的Al Noor清真寺祈祷。莫汉·易卜拉欣(Mohan Ibrahim)就是其中的一人。
I didnt get a glimpse of the gunman as I was in the next room, but all of a sudden we heard the shots being fired and people just started running for their lives. Im still in shock.
A lot of people have been killed and many are injured. I can see a girl dead in the middle of the road, Ibrahim said through tears.
I am scared for my friends. Some are still inside and we have been calling but cant get hold of them, Ibrahim said.
▲ Christchurch mosque massacre: 49 confirmed dead in shootings; four arrested - three men, one woman (via nzherald)