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朋友圈能 一个月可见 了 你会用这个功能吗(4)

2023-03-16 来源:你乐谷
WeChat Moments resembles a plaza where users can greet everyone by clicking like. Along the way, they can stop to join interesting conversations with shared friends.
但随着好友越加越多,发朋友圈时难免会瞻前顾后:“能让父母看到吗?” “公司领导会怎么想?” “同事有什么看法?”

朋友圈能 一个月可见 了 你会用这个功能吗

With a growing number of friends in WeChat, including friends, relatives, colleagues, and teachers, the pressure not to post anything embarrassing is increasing. Unless users play with their privacy settings, each post can be read, scrutinized and commented by every WeChat friend. That brings a huge pressure to express personal feelings while also maintaining a healthy public image.

朋友圈能 一个月可见 了 你会用这个功能吗
